. Clue by Clue Mystery Activities

magnifying glass iconClue by Clue Mystery Activities

Clue by Clue is a game that tests your thinking skills by giving you a mystery one clue at a time! Start with a mysterious situation: a man is found dead in a locked room, someone breaks into a store but takes nothing, police surround an empty bank!

What happened? Find out one clue at a time.


  1. Did anyone leave the bank before the police came?
  2. Did anyone leave the bank after the police came?
  3. Why did the police think someone was in the bank?
  4. Could they have made a mistake?

Have you figured it out?

Click here to see the solution.

Or Choose a Different Mystery

Enjoying this tool? Check out the book it is based on

front cover of Clue by Clue by Walton Burns
Clue by Clue by Walton Burns

And our Mystery Resources on Teachers Pay Teachers

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